I am often asked by business people, “should I be doing fill in the blank marketing for my business?” There is understandable confusion as everyone and their Aunt Clara seems to have all the answers as to how to improve your business! But the bottom line is there is no one right answer for everyone. What’s right for my business might be horribly wrong for your business, even if the business is in the same industry.
Best marketing advice I can give you – three simple words – KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER. Who are they, what do they read, what radio stations do they listen to, what social media are they on, do they watch TV, what networks do they watch, once you know all of this, making decisions on what to spend your marketing dollars on is easy!
I know, I can hear you all now, “how am I supposed to find out that?” Talk to them, ask questions, email them and take polls or surveys. It will be the best time you ever spend. Do it, do it now! Need help, contact me!
Go forth and prosper, my friends!